Requesting a new PhPID


PhP - Pharmaceutical Product

PhPID - Globally unique Pharmaceutical Product Identifier

GSRS - Global Substance Registration System


The WHO-UMC IDMP Management and Publish API is built to demonstrate how a FHIR API could be used to request new PhPIDs in an asynchronous way. The reason we need an asynchronous model is that generating the IDs might take long time since it normaly will require human interaction.

A PhPID is generated for a substance combination with a specific form and strength. For each PhPID there will also be corresponding PHhPIDs generated (or re-used) for the substance (combinations) with only strength, form or no strengt and form.

Try it out

Following is a step wise tutorial of how to request for and retrieve a PhPID.

The simple GET calls described can be done using a ordinary web browser but it is recommended to use PostMan, especially the POST calls cannot be done using a normal browser.


1. The user submits a request using a POST call with the FHIR Task resource as body. The Task contains necessary information needed in the process of generating a new PhPID as a Medicinal Product Definition (MPD) one or more Ingredients and one Marketing Authorization Holder (Organization).

An example Task is found following the link below.

request template

Send the Task as the body of a POST call to the following api (to test this Postman should be used):


2. The user submits a request to get status information for the created Task. Use the url returned in the Content Location header of the response from the request call.

Note that the Id in the status request call is the Id of the created Task.

status request using url (with dummy key)

As long as the request is still pending the Http response is 202 (Accepted) with an X-Progress header indicating the current progress.

3. When sucessful there will be a '200' response with a link to to the generated AdministrableProductDefinition (PhPID) in the output section of the Task.

To try the behaviour

a) make a dummy call to the task using Postman.

b) pick the link in the ContentLocation header of the response.

c) paste the link into a web browser and refresh. You should se the status change but it will not be Completed since this is only a demo.

Generated AdministrableProductDefinition resource (PhPID)

The actual AdministrableProductDefinition FHIR resource representing an PhPID and the Task is returned as json or xml based on the Accept header or a query string parameter (_format=xml).